Find Us

The museum is close to the Market Place in the centre of town. Look for the sign above the entrance to Beres Yard, opposite the church of St Peter and St Paul. Our address is:

The Blandford Town Museum
Beres Yard
Blandford Forum
Dorset, DT11 7HQ

What3Words address: couches.lawfully.blueberry

For more information , please see the map and directions below and the printable PDF file.


We do not have onsite parking for visitors, though arrangements can be made for blue badge holders. Please contact the museum for more information.

The nearest car parks are in the Market Place and Church Lane (charges apply), though spaces are limited.  The two main car parks are:

Marsh and Ham (Morrison’s) (charges apply): from the car park, walk past the main entrance of Morrisons and through the Greyhound Yard archway onto West Street. Turn right and continue on that side of the road for approx. 75 yards (65m). The entrance to the museum is between the Age UK & Weldmar Hospicecare Trust charity shops and opposite the Parish Church.

Langton Road (M&S Food) (charges apply): From the front of the M&S store, walk towards the main road keeping the hairdresser/barber shop to your left. On the main road turn left and continue on that side of the road for approx. 400 yards (380m) (During normal business hours you can also take the footpath to the right of the Town Information map, through Nightingale Court, and then turn left onto East Street). The entrance to the museum is between the Age UK & Weldmar Hospicecare Trust charity shops and opposite the Parish Church.

There is additioanl parking at Stour Meadows Car Park, which is signposted from the roundabout near Tesco and Homebase on Bournemouth Road. Walk from the car park towards the river and cross either the Blue footbridge to the Marsh and Ham car park, or the Black footbridge to the Langton Road car park, then follow the directions above.

These details can be found in our printable PDF along with further instructions for GPS devices and Satnav systems.